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RVAsec 2021 Speakers and Schedule Announced

This year we are going to back to our roots and we will having a single track conference! This was the best decision as we continue to prioritize ensuring that we have both a safe and engaging event.

We had many great submissions to the CFP and given the limited number of speaking spots it was extremely hard, but the CFP team has managed to select a great lineup for RVAsec 2021.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal to the CFP –the review team had to make some tough decisions and we appreciate all the time and hard work that went into submitting.

Without further delay, here are the speakers for the RVAsec 2021!

For the full details and times for specific talks, please see the schedule page.

Can you believe we are only 24 days away?  Please register as soon as possible so we can plan accordingly for a smooth event! Now is the time to register if you haven’t yet!

Don’t forget to get your hotel room booked!  The rate is good until 10/21.

Things are looking great for the conference and we expect more details will be provided soon!

Silver Sponsor Feature: Palo Alto Networks


As the next-generation security company, we are leading a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling all applications and preventing advanced threats from achieving their objectives for tens of thousands of organizations around the world. We are one of the fastest growing security companies in the market because of our deep expertise, commitment to innovation, and game-changing security platform focused on bringing an end to the era of breaches by uniquely integrating our Next-Generation Firewall, Advanced Endpoint Protection, and Threat Intelligence Cloud.

Come see us at RVAsec! Register Now.

Speaker Feature: Dan Holden


Dan Holden is CEO of Pharos Security measures, aligns, and guides optimization of the ROI and level of protection of a security program and translates the security program into business level terminology. Mr. Holden has 25 years in information security having served as CTO of the Retail and Hospitality ISAC, and Chief Technology Strategist at Arbor Networks. His experience includes building multiple teams from scratch as well as having brought multiple products to market while at IBM, TippingPoint, and Arbor Networks. Throughout his career he has a broad range of experience across multiple business functions including engineering, product management, sales, and marketing.

CISO of 2025

So much of the news related to CISOs today is negative. The reasons are clear because the challenges are enormous. Many CISO’s believe they are not given a fair chance – essentially obstructed from doing their job. Often there can be poor trust with the board, primarily due to not having a pragmatic, cost effective plan, to solve board level problems. CISOs have failed largely in this regard as their security plans have been tactical and not delivering on strategic goals. The common argument is executives just don’t ‘get it’, but most do, and they realize that security doesn’t provide great value with historic or conventional approaches. They might say the business only wants check-box security, but executives understand that to a great degree that is the only material benefit offered by security – so may as well get it at best cost. This talk will explore where and why things have happened the way they have, and how to move towards a definition for the CISO of 2025.

Come see Dan at RVAsec! Register now.


RVAsec 2019 Speakers and Schedule Announced

We had many great submissions to the CFP this year! It was extremely hard but the CFP team has managed to select a great lineup for RVAsec 2019.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a proposal to the CFP –the review team had to make some tough decisions and we appreciate all the time and hard work that went into submitting.

Without further delay, here are the speakers for the RVAsec 2019!

For the full details and times for specific talks, please see the schedule page.

Ticket are selling quickly so if you haven’t now is the time to register if you haven’t yet!

Also, reminder we have the hotel rate sorted out.  If you booked prior to the code, please contact the hotel and ensure they know that you are with RVAsec.  This will ensure that you get the best rate possible.

Silver Sponsor Feature: Palo Alto Networks


As the next-generation security company, we are leading a new era in cybersecurity by safely enabling all applications and preventing advanced threats from achieving their objectives for tens of thousands of organizations around the world. We are one of the fastest growing security companies in the market because of our deep expertise, commitment to innovation, and game-changing security platform focused on bringing an end to the era of breaches by uniquely integrating our Next-Generation Firewall, Advanced Endpoint Protection, and Threat Intelligence Cloud.

Come see us at RVAsec! Register Now.

Silver Sponsor Feature: Black Hills Information Security


Black Hills Information Security

Security is not an attainable static state, but an ongoing practice – constant diligence is required. Penetration testing can be the security review an organization needs to see how to keep their infrastructure updated and ready. Being involved in the Information Security industry we incorporate this knowledge into our testing methodology when working with clients. We specialize in techniques and approaches to effectively assess the security of an organization and implement defenses.

Come see us at RVAsec. Register now!

Andy Ellis (@csoandy) To Keynote RVAsec 2019!

We are pleased to announce that Andy Ellis, CSO of Akamai will be keynoting RVAsec 2019!

Andy Ellis is Akamai’s Chief Security Officer, and his mission is “making the Internet suck less.” Governing cybersecurity, compliance, and safety for Akamai’s planetary-scale cloud platform since 2000, he has also designed and brought to market Akamai’s TLS acceleration network, its DDoS defense offerings, and several of the core technologies behind its security solutions. Andy has also guided Akamai’s IT transformation from a flat password-based network to a distributed, zero-trust enterprise based on strong authentication.

Andy is a graduate of MIT with a degree in computer science, and has served as an officer in the United States Air Force with the 609th Information Warfare Squadron and the Electronic Systems Center.

Also active in Internet policy and governance circles, Andy has supported past and present Akamai CEOs in roles on the NIAC and NSTAC, as well as serving on the FCC’s Communications Security, Reliability, and Interoperability Council. He is an affiliate of Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center, and a guest lecturer in executive education at MIT and the Harvard Kennedy School. He is a frequent speaker on topics of Internet security, anthropocentric risk management, and security governance; and occasionally blogs at He can be found on Twitter as @csoandy, where he discusses security, wine, American football, and hairstyling.

Andy is also an Advisor to YL Ventures’ YLV3 Fund, Uptycs, and Vulcan Cyber.

Andy has received The Spirit of Disneyland Award, The Wine Spectator’s Award of Excellence (as The Arlington Inn), the US Air Force Commendation Medal, and the CSO Compass Award.

Speaker Feature: Robert Mitchell

Dr. Robert Mitchell is currently a member of technical staff at MITRE. He received the Ph.D, M.S. and B.S. from Virginia Tech. Robert served as a military officer for six years and has over 13 years of industry experience, having worked previously at Sandia National Laboratories, Boeing, BAE Systems, Raytheon and Nokia. His research interests include game theory, linkography, moving target defense, computer network operations, network security, intrusion detection and cyber physical systems. Robert has published 25 peer reviewed articles.

A Game Theoretic Model of Computer Network Exploitation Campaigns

Increasingly, cyberspace is the battlefield of choice for twenty first century criminal activity and foreign conflict. This suggests that traditional modeling and simulation approaches have stalled in the information security domain. We propose a game theoretic model based on a multistage model of computer network exploitation (CNE) campaigns comprising reconnaissance, tooling, implant, lateral movement, exfiltration
and cleanup stages. In each round of the game, the attacker chooses whether to proceed with the next stage of the campaign, nature decides whether the defender is cognizant of the campaign’s progression, and the defender chooses to respond in an active or passive fashion. We propose a dynamic, asymmetric, complete-information, general-sum game to model CNE campaigns and techniques to estimate this game’s parameters. Researchers can extend this work to other threat models, and practitioners can use this work for decision support.

Come see Robert at RVAsec. Register Now.

Speaker Feature: Michael Marriott


Michael Marriott is a Senior Strategy and Research Analyst at Digital Shadows, which he joined in late 2014. Michael has a passion for security analysis and the trends they indicate, in order to better protect clients. He has written several articles and papers, and his research is regularly features in the press. He holds a BA in History and a Masters in Applied Security and Strategy, both from the University of Exeter.

Seize and Desist? Criminal Evolution One Year After AlphaBay’s Demise

As we’re approaching the one year anniversary of AlphaBay’s seizure, the talk will demonstrate the impact this has had on the criminal ecosystem. This includes new, alternative mechanisms and technologies for discussing and trading criminal goods and services. The talk will also outline the drivers that will determine the future of the criminal ecosystem and outline what this means for all organizations.

Come and see Michael at RVAsec! Register Now.

Speaker Feature: Leigh-Anne Galloway and Timur Yunusov

@L_AGallowayImage result for leigh anne galloway positive technologies


Leigh-Anne Galloway is the Cyber Security Resilience Lead at Positive Technologies where she advises organizations on how best to secure their applications and infrastructure against modern threats. She is an expert in the Application Security Unit, specializing in ATM and POS Security and is the author of security research in account recovery processes on social media websites. She has spoken at many conferences including DevSecCon, BSides, InfoSec Europe, Hacktivity, 8dot8, Blackhat EU and Troopers.



Timur Yunusov – Senior Expert of Banking systems security and author of multiple researches in field of application security including “Apple Pay replay attacks” showed at the BlackHat USA 2017, “Bruteforce of PHPSESSID”, rated in Top Ten Web Hacking Techniques by WhiteHat Security and “XML Out-Of-Band” showed at the BlackHat EU. Professional application security researcher.
Timur has previously spoken at CanSecWest, BlackHat USA, BlackHat EU, HackInTheBox, Nullcon, NoSuchCon, Hack In Paris, ZeroNights and Positive Hack Days.

Demystifying Payments: Payment Technologies and Security Risks

Have you ever wanted to learn how payment technologies work? What happens when you pay for something on a website or using a cell phone? Payment technologies are a transparent part of our lives. They enable us pay for everything from a coffee to a car. In this talk we take a look at payment technologies past, present and future, and look at the security risks associated with them. Learn how payments have evolved and what transactions look like today.

Come see Leigh-Anne and Timur at RVAsec! Register Now.