RVAsec Videos: Brian Lockrey & Gus Fritschie/Andrew Du

Even more speakers from RVAsec 2013!

Gus Fritschie & Andrew Du: How to Defend Against FISMA


Brian Lockrey: Social Media Digital Forensics

RVAsec Videos: Itzik Kotler & Dan Han

Here are two more speaker videos from RVAsec 2013!

Itzik Kotler: Hack Like Its 2013


Dan Han: SIEM implementation: What to Expect

RVAsec Videos: Mike Shema & Daniel Ramsbrock

More RVAsec 2013 presentation videos! This pair from Mike Shema and Daniel Ramsbrock both cover about web application security and are a must-watch!

Mike Shema: JavaScript Security & HTML5

Daniel Ramsbrock: Web Application Vulnerabilities and Solutions

RVAsec 2013 Videos: Sean Mason & Barry Kouns

More speaker videos from RVAsec 2013!

Sean Mason: A Day in the Life of an Incident Responder at a Fortune 5

Barry Kouns: Risk Assessment — The Heart of Information Security

More videos coming soon–keep your eyes open!

RVAsec 2013 Videos: Paul Watson & Adam Ely

More speaker videos from RVAsec 2013!

Paul Watson: Cross Platform Network Access Control

Adam Ely: BYOD: Risks, Maturity and Solutions

More vides coming next week!

RVAsec 2013 Videos: Keynotes!

The first of the RVAsec 2013 speaker videos are now posted!

Keynote speaker Chris Wysopal: Future of Government Info Sharing

Keynote speaker Alex Hutton: Towards a Modern Approach to Risk Management

Stay tuned for more videos coming soon!


RVAsec 2013 Slides Posted!

Slides from RVAsec 2013!

Alex Hutton – Keynote Chris Wysopal – Keynote
Donald Allison – Observations on the (Mostly)Inadvertent Effect of Data Management on International Cybercrime Investigations Rockie Brockway – Business Adaptation or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Internet’s Unclean Conflicts
Colby Clark – The Digital Battlefield Gus Fritschie & Andrew Du – How to defend against FISMA
Adam Ely – BYOD: Risks, Maturity, and Solutions Dan Han – SIEM implementation: What to expect
Dan Holden – DDoS & Modern Threat Motives Itzik Kotler – Hack Like It’s 2013
Barry Kouns – Risk Assessment — The Heart of Information Security
Brian Lockrey – Social Media Digital Forensics
Sean Mason – A Day in the Life of an Incident Responder at a Fortune 5 Daniel Ramsbrock – Web Application Vulnerabilities and Solutions
Mike Shema – JavaScript Security & HTML5 Jericho – Our Straw House: Vulnerabilities
Ben Tomhave – Interesting Times: Will Business Survive? Schuyler Towne – Vulnerability Research Circa 1851
Paul Watson – Cross-Platform Network Access Control


Surveys, Slides, Videos and more!

RVAsec 2013 is over and we are very pleased with how everything turned out!  It was an aggressive move to grow the way we did this year, but we heard your feedback loud and clear, and you demanded more!

The first year RVAsec was a 1 day single track conference that attracted approximately 170 attendees.  This year, we grew to 2 days, 2 tracks and had over 265 attendees!

Some thanks are in order for:

  • Our brilliant keynote speakers Alex Hutton and Chris Wysopal
  • The amazing speakers that shared their time and knowledge!
  • All of the trainers for providing affordable classes to the RVA community
  • Hack.RVA for once again making awesome badges
  • Hope and VCU for all of their support and the facility
  • All of the volunteers for donating their time to ensure everything was in order
  • The sponsors for making it possible to put on the conference
  • Rapid7 for the after party
  • Create A Print & Sign for the shirts
  • The CTF team for putting on an amazing event
  • And of course to everyone that attended RVAsec 2013!


We are in the process of cleaning up some loose ends to wrap up RVAsec 2013.  Here are a few other quick updates:

  • Attendee survey will be out soon–we need your feedback to make RVAsec 2014 even better, so please take a few minutes to complete it
  • Training feedback survey has been sent to all attendees
  • Slides will be posted soon
  • We will be starting post processing on video in the coming days and will have them ready as soon as possible.


If you have any questions please contact us!

Mobile Friendly Schedule

Looking for a mobile friendly schedule?

Click here!

No Ticket, No Entry–But Watch the Videos!

Just a reminder that RVAsec 2013 is completely sold out!

This means that you will not be allowed entrance to the conference if you are not registered–absolutely no tickets will be available at the door!

We’re sorry if you missed out on a ticket, however, we are recording the speakers and will have talks posted after the conference. Please follow @rvasec on Twitter (or the good ol’ RSS feed) for video announcements and registration dates for next year!