RV4sec Videos: G. Mark Hardy (Keynote) & David Bianco

G. Mark Hardy: Keynote

David J. BiancoVisual Hunting with Linked Data Graphs

RV4sec Videos: Jennifer Steffens (Keynote) & Boris Sverdlik

Jennifer Steffens: RV4sec Keynote

Boris Sverdlik: You’re HIPAA certified and Bob just killed someone from the parking lot

RV4sec 2015 Recap

We have finally recovered from RV4sec and wanted to bring you a quick recap!  We sold 386 tickets this year, and was on par for attendance from the previous year.  It was great to see so many new faces this year and we hoped everyone had a great time.

What were thrilled to bring you:

  • RVAsec 6 pack cooler bag stuffed with swag
  • Capture The Flag with live bug hunting sponsored by UNOS!
  • RVAsec t-shirt with “Inside the Mind of the Hacker” logo designed by 14-year-old @AylaMadison
  • Post-con reception with adult beverages (and more food) with great Passport prizes
  • After party sponsored by Rapid7, GuidePoint and nVisium!


What to expect in the coming weeks:

  • Surveys should be sent out shortly, please take the time to provide us your valuable feedback
  • Slides will be posted
  • Videos will be posted to the RVAsec YouTube channel.
  • We hope to be able to post up a CTF recap as well


Thanks again to all our our speakers, sponsors and volunteers!

Next year, RVAs5c will be June 2-3, 2016.

See you next year.

Jake and Chris

Mobile Schedule

As  reminder, the RV4sec schedule is available in regular and mobile!

After Party Update: Sponsored By Rapid7, Guidepoint and Nvisium!

We have a few quick updates about the after party brought to you by Rapid7Guidepoint and Nvisium have all come together to sponsor the RVAsec after party!

The after party will be held at The Vintage Room above Pearl Raw Bar on Thursday, June 4th at 6:30pm!

The event takes place shortly after day one of the conference ends–and it is a quick walk over so you can head right from VCU for some cocktails and food!

If you plan to attend, please register to ensure we have enough staff & space reserved!


Event Details:

The Vintage Room is above Pearl Raw Bar. Please enter The Vintage Room to the left of the of the main entrance to Pearl.

Thursday June 4th 6:30pm-8:30PM (maybe longer!)
2229 West Main Street Richmond, VA 23220
(804) 353-2424

Google Maps Link

Thanks again to our sponsors for making sure RVAsec attendees will be well taken care of this year!


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Silver Sponsor Feature: Sun Management

Sun Management




Sun Management is a dedicated group of sales and engineering professionals focused on introducing leading-edge, disruptive technologies to corporate and government organizations, providing solutions to their evolving IT security needs. Sun Management has served the Federal and Commercial DC Metro, MD, PA, VA, WVA markets for over 11 years.


CTF Update

We caught up with Nick Popovich from the RV4sec CTF team and he had some great information to share with us!

The RV4sec CTF is next week, and is going to be the most intense CTF the 804 has ever seen! Here’s what’s new and amazing this year. Also you’ll want to read on for some info that will aide you during the event.


1). We have what most folks expect: the RV4sec CTF with new challenges and our smiling faces.

2). Bugcrowd will be onsite, and all LIVE, REAL vulns in the Bugrcrowd bug bounty system that CTF participants submit during the event will be checked on the spot. Points for the CTF will be awarded if the submitted bugs are accepted as valid by Bugcrowd.

3). GE has partnered with us and will have their Ghost Red CTF running with MANY amazing challenges (including hacking a simulated nuclear power plant). All points for Ghost Red will also be added to total RV4sec CTF score.

4). Last but certainly not least, the HackRVA folks have included CTF challenges in the RV4sec badges. That’s right, you can tinker with your badges and find “keys” or “flags” and submit those into the RV4sec CTF scoreboard for points.The scoreboard also has clues (for all the challenges).


There will be three systems that folks can register for that will count towards their total score for the CTF:

1). The RV4sec CTF scoreboard.
2). The Bugcrowd system via the Internet (click here for more info for Bugcrowd)
3). The GE Ghost Red CTF scoreboard

The Bugcrowd info linked to above has some values for “points” but that is for the Bugcrowd system only. We will be adjusting the point values for Bugcrowd vulns for the CTF to match our points system. But obviously, the harder/neater the vuln is to exploit, the more points you’ll get.

It is CRAZY important that in all the systems you choose THE SAME USERNAME, and append “_rvasec” without quotes to your username. I’ll say it again. CHOOSE SAME USERNAME IN ALL SYSTEMS and AND “_rvasec” without quotes to your username. if you don’t the points won’t be added up for all your hard work across the systems.

Example: If i want my username to be pipefish, I would put pipefish_rvasec in when creating accounts in all 3 systems.

I know some App Devs, DBA’s and IT folks are scowling now, asking why we don’t have API’s or some consolidated system that curates all the data from the three systems and shows a single leaderboard. To you I say… maybe next year 😉 This year, we have three systems, and that’s that.

We’ve got some rad prizes too including a OnePlus phone loaded with NetHunter courtesy of OffsecNetsparker licensesWiebeTech Forensic ComboDock v5, USB-WiFi-Premium KeyGrabber and a Yubikey NEO!

Win Amazing Things With Passport for Prizes!

After last year was such a great success, we are brining back Passport For Prizes again this year!

Each attendee will receive a Passport at registration. If you want to play, then you must visit each sponsor table on the passport and obtain a signature, initials or stamp on your Passport–you must complete the entire Passport (yes, including contact information) in order to be eligible for the prize drawings, which will be held at the reception on Friday. You must be present at the reception to win.

What can you win?

  • Exclusive RV4sec speaker beer mugs (set of 2) provided by richSEC
  • Not just one, but two “Mystery Bags Of Shit” provided by richSEC (in honor of Jericho – this prize also comes with peer pressure to blog about the contents!).
  • $100 gift card provided by Sunera
  • Beats Headphones – Red – Solo HD Special Edition provided by Trend Micro
  • GoPro provided by SLAIT Consutling
  • Toucan Wireless Bluetooth Speaker provided by Rapid7
  • GoPro Hero 3 provided by Netskope
  • $100 Visa Card provided by CORE Security
  • $100 Amazon Gift Card provided by Pulse Secure
  • Visual Land Prestige Elite 9″ Tablet 8GB Quad Core & Keyboard Case provided by Capitol Technology University
  • Fitbit Charge HR™ Wireless Heart Rate + Activity Wristband provided by Bit9

RV4sec Registration Is Now Closed!

We are pleased to announce that RV4sec 2015 registration is now closed and we look forward to a great event! In the coming days we will provide some additional information about the conference to everyone registered.

There is a bit more time left to register for the training classes but act fast!

See you soon!

Last Week To Register & Sell Out Risk High!

There are only a few days left to get tickets for RVAsec, and remember we will not be selling tickets at the door!

And if that’s not enough incentive to purchase your tickets right this second, and you still want to attend you better think about pulling the trigger soon as we are reaching our capacity for this year!

We do have plenty of space left for training and suggest you take advantage of this great opportunity to attend classes locally in Richmond at affordable prices!

What to expect at RVAsec:

  • RVAsec bag stuffed with swag
  • Capture The Flag with live bug hunting!
  • RVAsec t-shirt with “Inside the Mind of the Hacker” logo designed by 14-year-old
  • Post-con reception with adult beverages (and more food) on Friday
  • After party sponsored by Rapid7, GuidePoint and nVisium!