Tag: videos

RVA5ec Videos: Michelle Schafer/Tim Wilson and David Sirrine

Michelle Schafer & Tim Wilson
The Changing Mind of the Security Pro — How Hype and Media Shape Infosec Priorities (Slides)

David Sirrine
Open Source Identity Management: From Password to Policy (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Steve Christey

Steve Christey
Toward Consistent, Usable Security Risk Assessment of Medical Devices (Slides)



RVA5ec Videos: Dawn-Marie Hutchinson and Joey Peloquin

Dawn-Marie Hutchinson
Beyond the Security Team: The Economics of Breach Response (Slides)

Joey Peloquin
Deceptive Defense: Beyond Honeypots (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Chris Romeo

Chris Romeo
AppSec Awareness: A Blue Print for Security Culture Change (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Ben Smith and Andrew McNicol/Zack Meyers

Ben Smith
Measuring Security: How Do I Know What a Valid Metric Looks Like? (Slides)

Andrew McNicol & Zack Meyers
Beyond Automated Testing (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Brenton Kohler/Jacob Ewers and Joshua Cole

Brenton Kohler & Jacob Ewers
So You’ve Purchased a SAST Tool (Slides)

Joshua Cole
Probability in Cyber Risk Assessment: Holy Grail or Red Herring? (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Andrea Matwyshyn and Juan Carlos

Andrea Matwyshyn
CYBER! (Slides)

Juan Carlos
Reversing For Humans (Slides)

RVA5sec Videos: Inga Goddijn/Becky Swanson and Troy Wojewoda

Inga Goddijn & Becky Swanson
Show Me The Money! Uncovering The True Cost of a Breach (Slides)

Troy Wojewoda
Bro’s Before Flows (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Mark Weatherford & Evan Johnson

Mark Weatherford
(Your) Inevitable Path to the Cloud (Slides)

Evan Johnson
Staying Above A Rising Security Waterline (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Senator Mark Warner – Welcome To RVAsec!

Senator Mark Warner
Welcome To RVAsec!