RVAsec 2017 Videos: Barry Kouns and Seth Hanford

Barry Kouns
Can Game Theory Save Us from Cyber Armageddon? (Slides)



Seth Hanford
Defend the Defenders: Managing and Participating in Excellent Teams (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Jay Wonn and Robert Mitchell

Jay Wonn
TIP of the Spear: A Threat Intelligence Platform Acquisition (Slides)


Robert Mitchell
Recent Developments in Linkography Based Cyber Security (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Daniel Bohannon and Ken Johnson

Daniel Bohannon
Invoke-CradleCrafter: Moar PowerShell obFUsk8tion & Detection (@(‘Tech’,’niques’) -Join ”) (Slides)



Ken Johnson
AWS Survival Guide 2.0 (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Roman Bohuk/Jake Smith and Jeremy Dorrough

Roman Bohuk & Jake Smith
Think of the Children: Preparing the Next Generation of Security Specialists (Slides)



Jeremy Dorrough
Zero Trust “Lite” Architecture to Securely Future-Proof Your Network (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Rick Lull/Shannon Yeaker and Mike Shema

Rick Lull & Shannon Yeaker
Adventures in (Dynamic) Network Segmentation or And That’s How I Got This Scar (Slides)



Mike Shema
Managing Crowdsourced Security Testing (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Grayson Walters and Derek Banks/Troy Wojewoda

Grayson Walters
Building A Pentest Program On A Shoestring Budget (Slides)



Derek Banks and Troy Wojewoda
Poor Man’s Spy vs. Spy – Analysis of Red Team Attack Techniques by Blue Team Forensicators (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Terry McAuliffe, Governor of Virginia – Keynote Remarks

Terry McAuliffe, Governor of Virginia
Keynote Remarks

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Ron Gula – Keynote

Ron Gula
Keynote (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Mikko Hypponen – Keynote

Mikko Hypponen
Keynote (Slides)

RVAsec 6 Layout


Wondering where things are for RVAsec in the VCU University Student Commons? Look no further!

  • Registration is outside the Commonwealth Ballroom
  • Talks are in Commonwealth Ballroom & Richmond Salons
  • Vendors & food are in the Virginia Rooms, or outside Salons/Ballroom
  • Capture the Flag (CTF) is in the James River Terrace
  • Badges from HackRVA are in the James River Terrace


Click the map below for a larger version.


VCU Commons Floor Map

Virginia Commonwealth University Campus
University Student Commons, 2nd floor
907 Floyd Avenue, Richmond, VA 23284

Main Street Parking Deck
801 West Main Street, Richmond, VA 23284

Click here for more info