Author: rvasadmin

RVAsec 2017 – June 8-9

We’re pleased to formally announce/remind you about the dates for RVAsec!

RVAsec 2017 will be held on Thursday and Friday, June 8th and 9th at the Commonwealth Ballroom at VCU’s University Commons.

If you are interested in speaking, keep an eye out for a CFP announcement coming shortly!

Sponsorships are still available, please contact us if interested!

RVA5ec Videos: Rockie Brockway

Rockie Brockway
Enterprise Threat Management Like a Boss (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Michelle Schafer/Tim Wilson and David Sirrine

Michelle Schafer & Tim Wilson
The Changing Mind of the Security Pro — How Hype and Media Shape Infosec Priorities (Slides)

David Sirrine
Open Source Identity Management: From Password to Policy (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Steve Christey

Steve Christey
Toward Consistent, Usable Security Risk Assessment of Medical Devices (Slides)



RVA5ec Videos: Dawn-Marie Hutchinson and Joey Peloquin

Dawn-Marie Hutchinson
Beyond the Security Team: The Economics of Breach Response (Slides)

Joey Peloquin
Deceptive Defense: Beyond Honeypots (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Chris Romeo

Chris Romeo
AppSec Awareness: A Blue Print for Security Culture Change (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Ben Smith and Andrew McNicol/Zack Meyers

Ben Smith
Measuring Security: How Do I Know What a Valid Metric Looks Like? (Slides)

Andrew McNicol & Zack Meyers
Beyond Automated Testing (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Brenton Kohler/Jacob Ewers and Joshua Cole

Brenton Kohler & Jacob Ewers
So You’ve Purchased a SAST Tool (Slides)

Joshua Cole
Probability in Cyber Risk Assessment: Holy Grail or Red Herring? (Slides)

RVA5ec Videos: Andrea Matwyshyn and Juan Carlos

Andrea Matwyshyn
CYBER! (Slides)

Juan Carlos
Reversing For Humans (Slides)

RVA5sec Videos: Inga Goddijn/Becky Swanson and Troy Wojewoda

Inga Goddijn & Becky Swanson
Show Me The Money! Uncovering The True Cost of a Breach (Slides)

Troy Wojewoda
Bro’s Before Flows (Slides)