Steve Christey
Steve Christey
Steve Christey Coley is a Principal Information Security Engineer in the Cyber Security Division at The MITRE Corporation, supporting FDA CDRH on medical device cyber security. Steve was co-creator and Editor of the CVE list and chair of the CVE Editorial Board from 1999 to 2015. He is the technical lead for CWE, the Common Weakness Scoring System (CWSS), and the CWE/SANS Top 25 Software Most Dangerous Software Errors. He was a co-author of the influential “Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Process” IETF draft with Chris Wysopal in 2002. He was an active contributor to other community-oriented efforts such as CVSS, CVRF, and NIST’s Static Analysis Tool Exposition (SATE). His interests include adapting traditional IT security
methodologies to new areas, software assurance, improving vulnerability information exchange, and making the cybersecurity profession more inclusive for anybody who seeks a place in it. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science from Hobart College.
Toward Consistent, Usable Security Risk Assessment of Medical Devices
“CVSS? For *my* medical device?” It’s more likely than you think.
With so many different stakeholders in the medical device ecosystem – including manufacturers, hospitals, researchers, third-party coordinators, and patients – it’s no wonder that risk assessment is looking kind of discombobulated right now. When a new medical device vulnerability comes out, rarely is there any agreement about how bad it is. It can be very difficult for health care providers to use existing information to make appropriate, defensible risk decisions
If only there were a common vulnerability scoring system to stop the madness! Enter CVSS. But how can this IT-oriented system be used for evaluating medical device vulnerabilities, and should it? Fortunately, FDA’s CDRH has tasked MITRE to work with the medical device community to find out, so I’ll tell you all about it.