Joey Peloquin

@jdpeloquin /

GuidePoint Security

Joey has over 15 years of experience in the information technology industry specializing in information security. Prior to joining the GuidePoint Security team, he served as World Wide Security Architect for F5 Networks focusing on mobile and application security, and authentication and access security. His previous experience includes managing application and mobile security consulting teams at national security consulting firms, and leading JCPenney’s internal penetration-testing team. Joey is an active member of the information security community, speaking frequently at conferences and security events such as OWASP, TakeDownCon, ISSA, and has written, or appeared in, articles by Hakin9, SC Magazine, SD Times, and Information Week. He is also an accomplished technical scuba diver and PADI Divemaster.

Offensive Mobile Forensics

It’s official; enterprise mobility has been redefined, and Bring Your Own Device is a permanent reality, not a trend or fad. The problem everyone has failed to solve, however is not protection of the device itself. MDM, and now MAM are failed attempts to enable the secure use of personally-owned mobile devices. They’ve failed because they stop short of providing a holistic solution for data protection. Enter Offensive Mobile Forensics, a process in which an analyst employs use of the same techniques and tools potential attackers or criminals use on lost or stolen devices, to determine the actual risk of that loss or theft to the enterprise. What data is accessible?