Fletcher DavisFletcher Davis

With the advancements in defensive capabilities, from endpoint protection to user behavior analytics, operating within mature environments has become more difficult than ever. However, with each of these capabilities comes constraints that Red Teamers can abuse to shift the operational asymmetries and increase their strategic advantage. This talk will discuss how Red Teamers can shift their current operational mental models to abuse these constraints to blend-in more naturally within environments as they seek to complete target objectives.

About Fletcher – Fletcher is currently a Senior Red Team Consultant at CrowdStrike, specializing in Adversary Simulation operations and Offensive Security research.

David GirvinDavid Girvin

AI, it’s all the buzz. We have seen marketing fraudsters at Black Hat called out. Heard sales people use every buzzword they can to try and close. So is it all smoke and mirrors? Or maybe there is pragmatic use for this upcoming technology. I have taken ChatGPT and treated it like an offensive security lab. I trialed many different approaches to using it. In this talk I will show where it can add value in a technical, business and sales role. I will also show how it can fail miserably, it’s security concerns and how its influenced. Will this take your job or add to it? Find out in my talk.

About David – Hacker, BJJ enthusiast, world traveler and surfer. I am a giant weirdo who somehow found my niche in offensive security. I have been blessed getting to build AppSec programs for companies like 1Password and Red Canary. I have an extremely diverse background and hope I can relate and or add value to everyones experience,