We recently were onsite at the Omni in preparation for RVAsec 10 taking place November 4-5, 2021.  RVAsec has the entire hotel for the event and plenty of space to celebrate our 10th year!

We ask that you please book your hotel room as soon as possible to assist with our planning as we get back in person.  In order to have the entire hotel, we do need to have a significant amount of hotel rooms as part of the conference.  We ask that you please consider staying at the hotel this year.  The hotel block will expire on October 22, 2021 and be advised that we will not be able to assist after that date has passed.

For the conference rate, call 1-800-the-Omni or(804) 344-7000 and ask for the “RVAsec Conference 2021” rate.  You can also directly book on the Omni Richmond website.

While onsite, we spent time working on the new layout for the conference, but also spent considerable time discussing how we will implement precautions to make sure the event is as safe as possible and comfortable for our attendees.

We will continue to monitor the situation in Richmond, VA, however, as of now Virginia has not mandated masks for individuals that are vaccinated, but is strongly encouraging them.  We will continue to work with the hotel and put in place the necessary safety measures.  

We want to assure everyone that we are taking the utmost COVID safety precautions including extreme spacing out of vendor and session areas, single-serving food, sanitizing stations, among other things.  More information will be provided as it becomes available.

Registration is open and we ask that if you are planning to attend please register ASAP.  This will greatly help the conference!


We understand that everyone has their own risk model, but we are excited to be with you in person in November!

-Jake and Chris