Author: rvasadmin

RVA5ec Registration Is Now Open!

Tickets for RV45ec are now on sale!

Early registration price is only $125 for great speakers, food and beverages, t-shirt, swag, parking and more!

RV4sec’s base ticket price for 2015 is $150 and will be in place on 3/1–so don’t wait! And if that’s not enough incentive to purchase your tickets early, late registrations (after 4/21) will be $225!

Don’t forget all the things you get with registration, including 2 full days of talks, meals, snacks, drinks, reception, after party, prizes, a capture the flag contest, t-shirt & swag!

Once we sell out there will be no more tickets available.

So, to recap the conference prices:

  • $125 discounted price until 2/29
  • $150 regular price until 4/20
  • $225 late registration until 5/26
  • $350 super late registration until 6/1


If you are unable to attend due to the price, please contact us to discuss as we do have stipends available and volunteer opportunities are a great way to get in for free! Once again there will be no tickets sold at the door, and don’t forget that RV4sec has sold out every year–so don’t wait!

Register now!

RVAsec 2016 CFP is now open!

The call for papers for RVA5ec 2016 is now open!

Click here to submit a talk to the CFP now!

Conference: June 2-3rd, 2016

Location: Richmond, VA

CFP Submission Deadline: March 13th, 2016 at 11:59 PM Eastern

RVAsec is a Richmond, VA based security convention that brings top industry speakers to the midatlantic region. In its third year, RVAsec 2015 attracted 365 security professionals from across the country. For 2016, the conference is a two day and dual-track format, with a mixed focus on technical and management/business presentations.

All talks must be 55 minutes in length, and submissions will need to select either technical or business/management tracks.

Join us and enjoy the perks!

For more information and requirements, or to submit, please visit:


RVAsec 2016 – June 2-3

We’re pleased to formally announce the dates for RVAsec!

RVAsec 2016 will be held on Thursday and Friday, June 2nd and 3rd at the Commonwealth Ballroom at VCU’s University Commons.

If you are interested in speaking, keep an eye out for a CFP announcement coming shortly!


RV4sec Videos: Speed Debates hosted by Chris Eng

Speed Debates hosted by Chris Eng (@chriseng)

Featuring: Pete Herzog (@peteherzog), Robert Stratton (@strat), Boris Sverdlik (@jadedsecurity), Mark Painter (@secpainter), Tim Wilson (@darkreadingtim) and Casey Ellis (@caseyjohnellis)


RV4sec Videos: Kizz Myanthia

Kizz Myanthia: Into The Worm Hole: Metasploit For Web PenTesting

RV4sec Videos: Allen Householder & Elissa “#LADYBOSS” Shevinsky

Allen Householder: Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure is a concurrent process

Elissa “#LADYBOSS” Shevinsky: The Changing Legal Landscape for InfoSec: What You Need to Know

RV4sec Videos: Caleb “chill” Crable & Adam Crosby

Caleb “chill” Crable: The Art of Post-Infection Response and Mitigation

Adam Crosby: Embracing the Cloud

RV4sec Videos: Barry Kouns & Guy Broome

Barry Kouns: Incident Response Management – Not a Fire Drill

Guy Broome: Enterprise-grade Disk Encryption Management for Open Source Systems

RV4sec Videos: Michelle Schaffer/Tim Wilson & Bill Weinberg

Michelle Schaffer/Tim WilsonHasty Headlines in InfoSec: Don’t Be Fooled by Everything You Read!

Bill Weinberg: OSS Hygiene – Mitigating Security Risks from Development, Integration, Distribution and Deployment of Open Source Software

RV4sec Videos: Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe RV4sec Special Remarks