Following a series of 5 strokes and major head injuries, Mandy is no longer in the construction engineering industry. She used her life hacking prowess from a non-traditional background (such as skipping five years of K-12 schooling while working on a ranch and then graduating from a giant, traditional high school in 2.5 years with a 4.2 GPA) to re-establish neuro control using her electrical system, her tongue against her teeth, and perseverance. Now, as a happy dyslexic autie (autistic person) she is pursuing all things InfoSec with an emphasis on Incident Response, Neuro Integration, Artificial General Intelligence, and Community, pressing forth to improve the lives of InfoSec professionals and long term ethical neuro tech for those unable to express themselves to their own satisfaction. She enjoys art, travel, naps, speaking, continuing and broadening her own recovery, and good people. Mandy always hopes to be half the person her service dog, Trevor, is (he helped her relearn to walk!).