Author: rvasadmin

RVAsec 2018 Registration Is Now Open!

Tickets for RVAsec 2018 are now on sale!

Early registration price is only $150 for two days of great speakers, food and beverages, t-shirt, swag, parking and more!

RVAsec’s base ticket price for 2018 is $175 and will be in place on 3/1–so don’t wait! And if that’s not enough incentive to purchase your tickets early, late registrations (after 4/21) will be $250!

Don’t forget all the things you get with registration, including 2 full days of talks, meals, snacks, drinks, reception, after party, prizes, a capture the flag contest, t-shirt & swag!

Once we sell out there will be no more tickets available.

So, to recap the conference prices:

  • $150 discounted price until 2/29
  • $175 regular price until 4/20
  • $250 late registration until 5/26
  • $350 super late registration until 6/1

If you are unable to attend due to the price, please contact us to discuss as we do have stipends available for students and also we have volunteer opportunities that provide a great way to get in for free!

Once again there will be no tickets sold at the door, and don’t forget that RVAsec has sold out every year–so don’t wait!

Register now!

RVAsec 2018 CFP is now open!

The call for papers for RVAsec 2018 is now open!

Click here to submit a talk to the CFP now!

Conference: June 7-8th, 2018

Location: Richmond, VA

CFP Submission Deadline: March 18th, 2017 at 11:59 PM Eastern

RVAsec is a Richmond, VA based security convention that brings top industry speakers to the midatlantic region. In its sixth year, RVAsec 2017 attracted 460 security professionals from across the country. For 2018, the conference is a two day and dual-track format, with a mixed focus on technical and management/business presentations.

All talks must be 50 minutes in length, and submissions will need to select either technical or business/management tracks.

Join us at RVAsec and enjoy the perks!

For more information and requirements, or to submit, please visit:

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Robert Wood and Greg Pepper

Robert Wood
Maintainability + Security = <3 



Greg Pepper
Best Practices for Securing the Hybrid Cloud (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Dan Holden and Troy Marshall

Dan Holden
Retailing Another Threat Landscape Story 



Troy Marshall
RoboCop- Bringing law and order to CICD 

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Alon Arvatz and Jason Ross

Alon Arvatz
OSINT: The Secret Weapon in Hunting Nation-State Campaigns (Slides)



Jason Ross
DevOpSec – Killing the Buzz (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Barry Kouns and Seth Hanford

Barry Kouns
Can Game Theory Save Us from Cyber Armageddon? (Slides)



Seth Hanford
Defend the Defenders: Managing and Participating in Excellent Teams (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Jay Wonn and Robert Mitchell

Jay Wonn
TIP of the Spear: A Threat Intelligence Platform Acquisition (Slides)


Robert Mitchell
Recent Developments in Linkography Based Cyber Security (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Daniel Bohannon and Ken Johnson

Daniel Bohannon
Invoke-CradleCrafter: Moar PowerShell obFUsk8tion & Detection (@(‘Tech’,’niques’) -Join ”) (Slides)



Ken Johnson
AWS Survival Guide 2.0 (Slides)

RVAsec 2017 Videos: Roman Bohuk/Jake Smith and Jeremy Dorrough

Roman Bohuk & Jake Smith
Think of the Children: Preparing the Next Generation of Security Specialists (Slides)



Jeremy Dorrough
Zero Trust “Lite” Architecture to Securely Future-Proof Your Network (Slides)