Instructor: Pete Herzog
Get key insights from the very latest version of the Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual (OSSTMM). Discover gems of knowledge that can greatly expand your view of security. Learn how and where to apply this methodology in a practical and efficient way. Then get your hands dirty on trying it out.
The OSSTMM isn’t the most easy or fun document to read but it’s full of advanced security information that’s practical and relevant. It’s also the best-known operational security manual on the planet with about half a million downloads each month for one particular reason: those who figure it out have a distinct security advantage as its instructions are about a decade ahead of the current buzz in the security industry.
About the Instructor
Pete Herzog is the lead security researcher and creator of the OSSTMM. His analysis of security, hacking, trust, fraud, and neuro-hacking have shown up in thousands of research papers, books, and government documents around the world. He’s passionate about hacking and figuring out how things (and people) work.
Title: The Secrets of Security with the OSSTMM
Instructor: Pete Herzog
Date: 6/4/2014, 9AM-5PM
Cost: $250
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