Instructor: Rob Fuller
This is an introductory class into specific protocols and technologies that are used on corporate networks around the world focusing on the point of view of an attacker. Things like how DNS, HTTP, SMTP and other basics of networking, then moving on to “Layer 7” with IIS/Sharepoint, VPNs, Windows Active Directory, and Unix services.
About The Instructor
Mubix is a Senior Red Teamer. His professional experiences starts from his time on active duty as a United States Marine. He has worked with devices and software that run the gambit in the security realm. He has a few certifications but the title he holds above the rest is FATHER, HUSBAND, and United States Marine.
Title: Networking for Pentesters
Instructor: Rob Fuller
Date: 6/4/2014, 9AM-5PM
Cost: $199.95
Class Size: 20 seats are available total (register early!)
Prerequisites: No previous experience in pentesting is necessary as this course is designed for entry level. Students must be experienced with their OS of choice as well as have a basic understanding of Kali Linux.
Class Requirements: Students will be required to bring their own laptops for the class. Laptops will need a VMWare Workstation (NOT VMWARE PLAYER) or VirtualBox installation with an install of Windows 7 and Kali Linux as the guest virtual machines prior to the class. All other tools will be provided.
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